Call of Duty: Black Ops Mac: Rcon Part 2 – In-game Console
How to rcon a custom server part 2.
The Remote Console can be downloaded here
Useful Commands:
1. Type: /rcon login |Password to your Rcon|
2. Type: /rcon say |Type Message Here|
/rcon kick |PlayerName| (Normal kickBan Time with username, you can add reason behind name).
/rcon kick |"Player Name"| (Normal kickBan Time with double user name i.e The Kamasa, quotation marks are required).
/rcon onlykick |PlayerName| (Normal kick with a single username, no ban time added).
/rcon onlykick |"Player Name"| (Normal kick with double user name i.e The Kamasa, quotation marks are required, no ban time added).
/rcon clientkick |PlayerName| (Kick the player with the ID dedicated to them on the server).
/rcon tempbanuser |Player Name| (TempBan with username).
/rcon banuser |Player Name| (Ban with username).
/rcon clientban |Player Name| (Ban with ID from the server).
/rcon unbanuser |Player Name| (UnBans the username, best to do this from control panel).
Game Settings
/rcon setadmindvar sv_maxPing 200 (Sets Ping to Max of Specified Number)
Buy your own BO server!
Recorded using Screenflow 4:
Buy BO from MacGameStore (Steam serial – BEST VERSION):
Buy BO from MacAppStore:
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