i removed apple’s AI watermark


This video takes you on the journey to remove Apple’s “Modified with Clean Up" watermark, which appears on AI-modified photos. It’s surprisingly easy to do… and you can do it yourself, too.

Please do not use the method shown in this video to generate misleading images.

Command to Run to Remove Metadata:
exiftool -all= -CurrentIPTCDigest= -CodedCharacterSet= -ApplicationRecordVersion= -DigitalCreationTime= -DigitalCreationDate= -Cre
dit= -DateCreated= -TimeCreated= -IPTCDigest= -XMPToolkit= -CreatorTool= -DigitalSourceType= -DateTimeCreated= -DigitalCreationDateT
ime= modified.jpeg

Use this command at your own risk.

ExifTool: https://exiftool.org/

Music by Ponder and from PvZ.