ULTIMATE M4 Macbook Air Accessory Buying Guide: Everything You Need!
When you buy an M4 MacBook Air you might want some accessories to make it an even better setup for your uses! In this video we talk about all of my favorite Accessories for the new MacBook Air computers.
Personalized Mac Recommendations: https://www.adamtalks.tech/mac
Anker USB C Hub: https://geni.us/O54g9
Logitech MX Master 3s: https://geni.us/H1IUtf
Apple Magic Mouse: https://geni.us/lkAY0wm
Magic Trackpad: https://geni.us/AJ6eAf
Satechi M1 Mouse: https://geni.us/76Ke
MX Anywhere 3S:https://geni.us/nN1AhZ
Magic Keyboard with Touch ID:https://geni.us/tFScwI
Satechi X1: https://geni.us/Kl5BpbO
MX Keys Mini: https://geni.us/PdWeof
MX Keys S: https://geni.us/KNzFT6
Satechi X3: https://geni.us/KNzFT6
Magic Keyboard with Touch ID & Numpad: https://geni.us/nP59
Apple Studio Display: https://geni.us/StaxBqy
LG 27″ 4k Display: https://geni.us/jtt8yLX
LG 27″ 5k Display:https://geni.us/h9HtJ
Sonnet Dock: https://geni.us/7Fone
Sonnet Superdock: https://geni.us/bFq87
Caldigit Element 5 Hub: https://geni.us/element5
Crucial X9 Pro https://geni.us/Aci9J
Oyen U34 Bolt: https://geni.us/LJrAc
Anker Laptop Power Bank: https://geni.us/4UuTxAR
Anker Fusion Power Bank: https://geni.us/MTE5GB
Anker Laptop Charger: https://geni.us/APRA3Mh
13” MacBook Air M4 Base Model: https://geni.us/m4air
Best 13” Macbook Air M4 for most users: https://geni.us/bestm4air
Top of the Line 13” Air: https://geni.us/top13m4air
15” Base Model: https://geni.us/base15m4
Mid Level 15”: https://geni.us/m4macbookair15
Top of the line 15” MacBook Air: https://geni.us/best15m4air
My Desk Setup: https://youtu.be/SHwuN9fRk40
Shot with this Gear:
Lumix S5II X: https://geni.us/MlSL158
35mm F1.8: https://geni.us/lumix35
Audio Interface: https://geni.us/bUQNA
Microphone: https://geni.us/Qu5kSCk
Kondor Blue Pro Blade Top Handle: https://geni.us/bH2eAGL
Half Cage: https://geni.us/WAVqiy
My Full Video Making Kit: https://adamtalks.tech/gear
Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adamtalkstech/
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00:00 Intro & Essential MacBook Air Accessories 00:09 USB-C Dongles 00:26 Mouse Options: Apple Magic Mouse & Trackpad 01:00 Budget & Logitech MX Mice 01:44 Bluetooth Keyboards 02:44 Display Choices: 5K & 4K Monitors 03:40 Docking Stations 04:14 External SSDs 05:18 Power Adapters 05:56 Portable Power Banks 07:09 Outro & Links
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