We bought the worst Apple product
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What is the worst device that Apple sells on their website? Well, we bought it so you don’t have to and to see just how bad it is.
Check out refurbished iMacs: https://lmg.gg/QLymJ
Buy a Mac Mini M1: https://geni.us/WBjOB
Apple Refurbished Version: https://lmg.gg/qBBxu
Buy a Logitech Pop Mouse: https://geni.us/5a2Y
Recommended Mac Mini Companions:
Buy an MSI Modern 24inch: https://geni.us/r7JIbj
Buy a Logitech K380: https://geni.us/6hS49D
Buy a Logitech Pebble M350: https://geni.us/Oz3v7AY
Buy a Creative Pebble V3: https://geni.us/Os398Gj
Toshiba Canvio Flex 1TB: https://geni.us/bLSu6Hu
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
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0:00 Introduction
0:33 This is the computer
1:47 Booting it up for the first time
2:42 Why it’s so bad
4:20 Thanks Grammarly!
4:52 Has this been refurbished?
6:06 Other funny listings
6:57 The alternative to the iMac
7:44 Conclusion
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