Why Rosetta 2 Will Eventually Die


This video explains why I think Rosetta 2 will be removed from the Apple Silicon M1 Macs, my thoughts and predictions on the timeline of Rosetta 2 deprecation, and also how damaging this will be to gaming on the M1 Macs. Apple have never prioritized backwards compatibility, and I think the Intel era is going to get the very same treatment as OpenGL, 32-bit applications and PowerPC games. It will be very interesting to see whether people really cared about backwards compatibility and Rosetta 2 in say, a decade from now.

How to uninstall Rosetta 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7aWxrY9lEA

All footage tested on my MacBook Air M1 2020 with 8 GB RAM and 8 GPU cores where specified.

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► Resources:
AppleGamingWiki: https://www.applegamingwiki.com
Master M1 game compatibility list: https://www.applegamingwiki.com/wiki/M1_compatible_games_master_list

► Get the NEW M1 Macs here (Amazon links):

► Timestamps
00:00 Intro
00:46 Rosetta 2 explained
00:34 Rosetta 2 gaming performance
01:35 Performance is EXCELLENT
02:16 Why will Rosetta 2 be removed?
02:49 Timeline: Rosetta 1
03:59 Will Apple remove Rosetta 2?
04:32 How long will Rosetta 2 transition last?
05:18 Timeline: Rosetta 2
06:10 Prediction
06:55 Effects of loss of Intel compatibility
07:36 Developer responsibility
08:20 Apple’s ARM strategy
08:52 Is it that bad?
09:36 Membership!

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